Indigenous Embassy (Orinoco River)

The Model Indigenous Embassy Project is being developed by members of the Indigenous Unity Foundation and Huottuja Foundation in collaboration with Indigenous rights advocates. The model embassy will provide diplomatic education and a neutral managed forum through Globcal International, their Goodwill Ambassadors, Global Citizens, Cooperative Members and the United Nations SDGs Advocates. 

Overview of the Indigenous Embassy Project

The Model Indigenous Embassy Project is a new initiative that aims to provide diplomatic education and a neutral forum for Indigenous peoples around the world. It is being developed by members of the Indigenous Unity Foundation and Huottuja Foundation in collaboration with Indigenous rights advocates. Globcal International, their Goodwill Ambassadors, Global Citizens, Cooperative Members, and the United Nations SDGs Advocates are also involved in the project.

The model embassy will be a real space (location) connected technologically and virtually where Indigenous peoples in attendance can learn about diplomacy, develop their laws in governance, build relationships with each other, and advocate for their rights at the international level. It will also be a platform for Indigenous peoples to share their cultures and perspectives with the world in a transparent and candid way.

The project is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to make a significant contribution to the advancement of Indigenous rights becoming better recognized. By providing a space for Indigenous peoples to come together and collaborate, the model embassy can help to amplify their voices and promote their interests on the global stage.

Here are some of the potential benefits of the Model Indigenous Embassy Project:

The Model Indigenous Embassy Project is a bold and ambitious initiative. It has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of Indigenous peoples around the world. We are excited to see how the project develops and wish the program supporters all the best in their efforts to help us succeed.

International Indigenous Unity Flag

The official flag of the Indigenous Peoples' Embassy will be the Indigenous Unity Flag. The flag was created by Hon. Michael L. Sher of Toronto, Canada; identified as a member of Canada's First Nations created the flag to commemorate Indigenous solidarity and unity around the world for the next Mayan calendar cycle ending/beginning December 21, 2012 which is around the time he first copyrighted the flag through his website publication.